Thursday, May 17, 2012

kayak at Tasik Maryam IIUM.

Assalamualaikum :)

Alhamdulillah.minggu ni da selesai tanggungjawab belajar.
all those assignments,presentations,quizzes all done. Alhamdulillah.
semalam, i'm waiting about 7 hours to present = ='  (pengalaman)
So, final exam. shall we meet again? haha

then, before final exam, we had some fun.doing riadhah together.
it was awesome though. you know, experience. :D

kayak at Tasik Maryam IIUM.

ana & me was going to depart :P
oh yeah,btw, i wore long skirt with tshirt.sebab sudden plan,malas nak balik mahallah tukar sport attire :)
muslimah pon boleh kayak tau.
jgn lupa pakai stokin ye ;)

haa.tu da boleh kayak.wpon dalam hati takot terbalik kayak tu.haha

eksiden kayak dengan student lain.traffic jamm = ='

xperlu mendayung.biarkan arus membawa anda pergi. haha

ana : ko dayung jap sya.ak nak posing ni :D
me : (hiyarkkh) okay ana.ak dayung.ko posing.pasni ak plak posing k? 

*tipu.mana ada pon conversation ni.*

SubhanaAllah.the view was awesome. Allah's creation :)

that is how our day end.

so, my dear nur syahirah.have faith for your final exam as a first year degree student. make du'a to Allah.

me, Nur Syahirah Shamshulsakri :)

sekian wassalam.


  1. Salam.cena klu nk main kayak kt cni? Book kt sapa? byran cena plak?

  2. pergi je kat tasik maryam tu. ada pondok kat situ. under iium kayak club. dorg in charge. rm 1 je :)
